how to use applets

  Take a look at the following HTML code-

<applet code="GooSiteSearch.class" height=50 width=175>
<param name="domain" value="">
<param name="bgcolor" value="000000">
<param name="fgcolor" value="666666">

  The first thing you need to insert an applet is the applet tag. This lets the browser know to put an applet on the page.
  The attributes for the applet tag are codebase, code, height, width.

codebase is the location of the applet. In the example, the applet is located in a directory called "javastuff". If it's in the same directory as the HTML file, don't use this attribute at all.

code is the filename of the applet. In the example, the filename is GooSiteSearch.class. Don't try to put an address here- that belongs in codebase
height and width do not work the same way as they do with images. Just remember that if the values (in pixles) are not high enough, you won't be able to see all off the applet's output.

  Most applets that you download will have their own special parameters (located in param). Go to the parameters page to find the ones for GooSiteSearch.

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